Monday, June 19, 2017

Letter: Single-payer is way to go for health care - Opinion - - Middletown, NY

Letter: Single-payer is way to go for health care - Opinion - - Middletown, NY

Love the simplicity of this LTE:

Letter: Single-payer
is way to go for health care
Posted Jun 18, 2017

Since WWII we Americans have been trying to pound a square peg into a round hole. I
am referring to the health care vs. health insurance dilemma we struggle with. Health care is the round hole; free-market health insurance is the square peg.
Health care is patient-driven and includes preventative measures to help people
remain healthy and supplies a standard of care when needed. People
are treated before small problems accelerate into huge ones that can
send them to the emergency room, the most expensive health care
“system.“Free-market health insurance, the square peg, is a
fee-for-service system that offers various and often very limited
services. We all know the loopholes: no pre-existing conditions
coverage; very limited availability or affordability; and surprises
when you find that this test or that procedure are not covered.
Premiums are up to 30 percent higher because doctors are motivated to
overly prescribe and test, and need additional staff to deal with
insurance companies.
No wonder we find ourselves at a road block; as the president exclaimed a few days into
office, “who knew health care was so complicated?” I suggest that
we eliminate “complicated” and slip a round peg into the round
hole by switching to a single-payer, universal health-care system.
Throw away the insurance square peg. We could join all other
developed democracies in the world. Everyone wins except the
insurance companies and the politicians who accept their money.

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