Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A cheat sheet for the trickiness of shopping for Obamacare - Salon.com

A cheat sheet for the trickiness of shopping for Obamacare - Salon.com

Sanders’ Single-Payer Versus Kaine’s Public Option | HuffPost

Sanders’ Single-Payer Versus Kaine’s Public Option | HuffPost

A political update.  It misses some key factors but it is a reality check.  Two points as reminders of very important factors:  Employer coverage should be done away with for the employee's sake of freedom of job choice and the employer's sake to be competitive on the global market.  A public choice must not mean what has happened in too many states to Medicaid -- turning it over the the private insurance companies as a MCO model with no accountability.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Candidates pan privately managed Medicaid Solutions | Elections | qctimes.com

Candidates pan privately managed Medicaid Solutions | Elections | qctimes.com

Most don't realize how "privatized" our public programs have become.  Medicare Advantage is one example and in that the deal insurance companies get is more of our money thus making it more expensive to the government.  In MN and WI the managed care insurance companies control the programs funded by Federal Medical Assistance and state tax $.  And, in both states those insurance companies are not held accountable via things like audits even though the original deals many years ago included language requiring them.  Managed Care is an oxymoron; it really is Making Cash for the rich and not about providing good health care for all.  There has never been real proof that managed care, accountable care, etc. organization approach saves money or improves care.

Clinton to Geisinger crowd: Universal health care is a necessity | News | dailyitem.com

Clinton to Geisinger crowd: Universal health care is a necessity | News | dailyitem.com

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Americans show support for Obamacare despite Trump's repeal attempts

Americans show support for Obamacare despite Trump's repeal attempts

There Was Another Winner Tuesday — Obamacare

There Was Another Winner Tuesday — Obamacare

Health care coverage is a political issue.  It is turning in the public eye.  We need to keep it turning by getting out to vote in folks who will keep pushing it forward.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

One Nation, In Sickness and in HealthOne Nation, In Sickness and in Health

"Let's focus on the hard work of true reform and get health care for all."

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Get Covered

ObamaCare (ACA) Enrollment Guide


What Canada taught Bernie Sanders about health care - Vox

What Canada taught Bernie Sanders about health care - Vox

ACA enrollment opens after GOP fails to kill off Obamacare - The Washington Post

ACA enrollment opens after GOP fails to kill off Obamacare - The Washington Post

Democrats urge Wisconsin residents to sign up under Affordable Care Act

Democrats urge Wisconsin residents to sign up under Affordable Care Act

The Cautious and Unwise Division Among Democrats Over Medicare for All

The Cautious and Unwise Division Among Democrats Over Medicare for All

Trump’s Obamacare sabotage accidentally resulted in more free health plans – ThinkProgress

Trump’s Obamacare sabotage accidentally resulted in more free health plans – ThinkProgress

Wisconsinites Need Help -- LTE

Health Care Coverage

It can be hard to figure out. If you are lucky enough to have insurance at work, great. If you have friends, neighbors or relatives who aren’t sure what they have or they have nothing, now is a time to help them figure it out. If you need help figuring it out, there is some available. If you want to first check out the Affordable Care Act, there are places to look. The ACA and ObamaCare are the same thing. It still exists and actually, in spite of all the confusion, will be less costly for many. One really important thing to remember is that the only time to apply for the 2018 ACA insurance in Wisconsin is from Nov. 1st through Dec. 15th.
The web site is [healthcare.gov] and a web site for help in Wisconsin is [coveringwi.org]
The ACA phone # is 800-318-2596 available 24/7.
There are Navigators available weekdays such as:
Eau Claire 855-792-5439
LaCrosse 800-742-5627
(others are listed on the ACA web site as Assisters)

If you or others you know need help with figuring it out or need internet access to apply, call and leave a message at:
[641-715-3900, Ext. 25790#]
Someone will get back to you ASAP to line up some help.
Good Health to All.

Craig Brooks
Great Northern States Health Care Initiative