Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Adam W Gaffney on the way forward after Obamacare repeal (with tweets) · DemFromCT · Storify

Adam W Gaffney on the way forward after Obamacare repeal (with tweets) · DemFromCT · Storify

Our country has too long had too many who believe that being poor is being lazy, being unworthy and somehow taking something away from us deserving, hardworking citizens. Also, those many are brainwashed by the elite who need to keep the poor down to maintain and build their wealth. We are even often pushed to believe that being in need of medical care without the ability to pay for it is their fault because of choices they made. This deep seated prejudice is the major reason we have not created a Medicare for All system. Health care needs to be seen as a right, not a privilege. Values and laws changed in MN with the same sex marriage amendment worked a few years back. Take a look at How Love Won to see what needs to be done to change our laws affecting access to health care.

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