Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pass Minnesota Health Plan Notice

Please join PassMHP on Thursday, May 8th at 5:30 pm for the Campaign Season Kickoff and Fundraiser at Cowboy Jack's, 126 5th St N., Minneapolis.

The 2014 elections are fast approaching. The PassMHP Political Action Committee is gearing up to help elect legislators who support single payer and Gov. Dayton, who has publicly voiced his support for single payer on numerous occasions. It is vital that PassMHP supporters and volunteers are active this year. Because it is not a presidential year, we have to work even harder to get our supporters elected. 

Everyone is welcome, so come and join us to help get the Minnesota Health Plan passed! Contributions of $25 are encouraged. If you would like to be a sponsor please contact us at passmhp@gmail.com

Platinum Level Hosts: Elizabeth Frost and Martha Hotchkiss, Kava Zabawa

Gold Level Hosts: Erin Anderson, Donna Cassutt, Joel Clemmer, Jay Damberg, Alex Eaton, Sharon Erickson Ropes, Megan Gavin, Renate Hohman, Barb Jacobs, Geri Katz, Dave Lee, Don Pylkkanen, Chuck Sawyer, Valerie Nelson Swenson.

If you cannot attend, we greatly appreciate your donation: 

You can mail a check to:

P.O. Box 15704
Minneapolis, MN 55415-0704

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