Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Medica plan may be glimpse of future | StarTribune.com

Medica plan may be glimpse of future | StarTribune.com:

"John Naylor, Medica's vice president of sales and account services, said the new plan moves from a "cost shift" to a "cost share" model.

"Employers are making decisions behind the scenes about the level of benefit and the kind of contribution they'll make," he said. "Maybe they'll lower their benefits or find ways to lower cost, or you as an employee take on more. 'My Plan' offers a way for employers to control costs, but to give me as an employee more flexibility and choice."

Simeon Schindelman, Medica's senior vice president of commercial markets, said the company spent about a year working on the program, based on feedback from some of its 200 brokers as well as businesses."

I wonder about getting feedback from "brokers as well as businesses" and not from providers and patients/employees. This seems like just a new twist on the high deductible models.

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