Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lori Sturdevant: Marty looks to future with singer-payer bill |

Lori Sturdevant: Marty looks to future with singer-payer bill |

A candidate for Minnesota Governor has the guts to keep pushing for the eventual adoption of a one payer health care payment system. We can all have renewed hope of eventual change and find motivation to keep fighting the good fight.

If you want to learn more about the proposal: If you want to learn facts about a one payer system concept, check out: If you want to hear unfounded rantings, you can always go to: or

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Op-Ed Columnist - The Narcissus Society -

Op-Ed Columnist - The Narcissus Society -
"Which brings me to health care: Crunch time has come on a question central to the nation’s future, where an acknowledgment is needed that, when it comes to health, we’re all in this together. Pooling the risk among everybody is the most efficient way to forge a healthier society. That’s what other developed societies do. And they don’t have 30 million plus uninsured.

Now, as I understand it, the Tea Party movement is angry about waste, bail-outs for the rich and spiraling debt. They detest big government. But if waste and debt are really what’s bothering them, how about the waste in the more than 1,800 daily health-care related personal bankruptcies, the 25 to 30 percent of some corporate insurers’ costs going on administration (versus 6 percent for Medicare), the sky-rocketing health premiums that are undermining U.S. corporations (and so taking jobs), the endless paperwork of private reimbursement procedures, and the needless deaths?"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Paul Krugman: Inconvenient: Health care premiums rise |

Paul Krugman: Inconvenient: Health care premiums rise |
I think this column by Krugman is important but I'm not sure how much it will impact on what Congress is willing to do. Facts never seem to matter. But it does cause me to wonder -- are not the big insurance companies already working across state borders? Seems to me they do - even if it is via various corporate legal maneuverings. United Health in Minnesota seems to be doing business directly or indirectly in every state. We get Medicare supplement policies where we live in WI via Blue Cross Anthem and the envelopes all come from California. BTW -- our premiums only went up 8.9% - guess we are lucky.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Quit Feeding Stray Animals

Leonard Pitts; GOP candidate breeds contempt for the poor

Many of you probably saw this Leaonard Pitts column. A politician comparing helping the poor to feeding stray animals gets your juices flowing.
Sounds way too much like the Tea Party rantings about single payer health care doesn't it?
I thought I would send this out suggesting that this is a real attitude issue and highlight that he suggests that those most in need can be the most vocal in this seemingly irrational position. The same thing happens when it comes to health care payment reform - those who need it the most can be up front yelling the loudest in opposition. I still think this is a uniquely American phenomena that we need to learn how to address. I think the recent BBC article helps us see ourselves. We need to learn from those outside views Our responses can be our own worst enemies in efforts to help others learn and make informed decisions. There is resentment of what is seen as elitist know it alls telling them what to do, how to think and that they are too dumb to see the light.
In his recent book "Whats the Matter with Kansas" Thomas Frank suggests "the Republicans have learned how to stoke up resentment against the patronizing liberal elite, all those do-gooders who assume they know what poor people ought to be thinking". We need to learn how to listen and try to start where they are coming from. If we are on the right track, they will come to the same basic conclusions as we do. We need to avoid talking down, etc. and try harder to communicate with them and to work to create an atmosphere where they feel listened to and understood.
BTW -- I don't think this will work with very many of the rich, greedy power brokers like those in control of for profit insurance companies because they are too likely to really want to see all those funny looking, strange acting, bothersome poor and sick people die. Maybe some of you could help me with that terrible, personal, prejudice problem. I need to find a book a a column about that I guess.

Friday, February 5, 2010

BBC News - Why do people vote against their own interests?

BBC News - Why do people vote against their own interests?
"Political scientist Dr David Runciman gives his view on why there is often such deep opposition to reforms that appear to be of obvious benefit to voters.

Last year, in a series of "town-hall meetings" across the country, Americans got the chance to debate President Obama's proposed healthcare reforms.

What happened was an explosion of rage and barely suppressed violence."

We need to tell more stories and avoid talking down to people. Some lessons to be learned here.