Friday, September 25, 2009

Two Harbors health pioneer FirstPlan folds |

Two Harbors health pioneer FirstPlan folds |
This shows the fallacy in the idea that choice exists or that large companies won't control our health care.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seniors turn up volume on health -- and health care |

Seniors turn up volume on health -- and health care |
This is a fun article on how seniors view health care reform debates. People say kids say the darndest things. Well, I am getting old and I think seniors do to.
These quotes from two of them pretty well sums up the debate going on right now:

"You know, it's really not that complex," Benevides said. "If you believe, as I do, that health care is not only a right for everyone but beneficial socially and economically for the whole country, then you reorganize it so that the people -- through our government -- are in charge. We call the shots, not the insurance companies or the drug companies or the hospitals, but all of us."

Jacobs agreed that the issue is "not complex," asking: "Do you want health care run by government bureaucrats or by the industries that actually understand how to do it?"

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Little (sad) Humor on a Monday

Let's Save Our Status Quo

Garrison Keillor: Indeed, this 67-year-old knows how lucky he is |

Garrison Keillor: Indeed, this 67-year-old knows how lucky he is |
Great Story; Great Message!
"Two weeks ago, you were waltzing around feeling young and attractive, and now you are the object of Get Well cards and recipient of bouquets of carnations. Rich or poor, young or old, we all face the injustice of life -- it ends too soon, and statistical probability is no comfort. We are all in the same boat, you and me and ex-Gov. Palin and Congressman Joe Wilson, and wealth and social status do not prevail against disease and injury. And now we must reform our health insurance system so that it reflects our common humanity. It is not decent that people avoid seeking help for want of insurance. It is not decent that people go broke trying to get well. You know it and I know it. Time to fix it."

In Massachusetts: A model many are watching |

In Massachusetts: A model many are watching |
A positive spin on the Mass. Model.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Side-by-Side Comparison of Major Health Care Reform Proposals - Kaiser Family Foundation

Side-by-Side Comparison of Major Health Care Reform Proposals - Kaiser Family Foundation
"Achieving comprehensive health reform has emerged as a leading priority of the President and Congress. President Obama has outlined eight principles for health reform, seeking to address not only the 45 million people who lack health insurance, but also rising health care costs and lack of quality. In Congress, a number of comprehensive reform proposals have been announced as the debate proceeds over how to overhaul the health care system.

This interactive side-by-side compares the leading comprehensive reform proposals across a number of key characteristics and plan components. Included in this side-by-side are proposals for moving toward universal coverage that have been put forward by the President and Members of Congress. In an effort to capture the most important proposals, we have included those that have been formally introduced as legislation as well as those that have been offered as draft proposals or as policy options. It will be regularly updated to reflect changes in the proposals and to incorporate major new proposals as they are announced. "

Friday, September 18, 2009

Health Reform Data Note Examines Americans' Satisfaction With Insurance Coverage

Health Reform Data Note Examines Americans' Satisfaction With Insurance Coverage

"As policymakers in Washington consider health reform, those on both sides of the debate frequently note
that most Americans who have health insurance are satisfied with their coverage. Opponents cite it as a
reason to reject comprehensive reform, while proponents say they want to reform the parts of the health
system that don't work while allowing Americans who are happy with their insurance to keep the coverage
that they have.1 This data note digs deeper into Americans’ reported satisfaction with their health
insurance, examines Americans’ reported health care experiences and worries, and explores who is more
and less likely to say they are satisfied with the cost and quality of their coverage."

Senators, fix the Baucus bill!

Senators, fix the Baucus bill!
Use this link site to easily get a call through to your Senator.

"The Baucus bill will not provide you and me with good quality, affordable health care. It fails to ask employers to share responsibility and provide health care to their workers. And it does not keep the insurance companies honest because it lacks the choice of a national public health insurance option.

It does one thing, however. It gives the insurance industry a monopoly and millions of new, captive customers.

The bill works for the insurance industry, but not for you. It must be fixed.

Fill out the form to the right to call your Senator and demand they fix the Baucus bill."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bill Moyers - Uncivil Discourse

"Come on, Mr. President. Show us America is more than a circus or a market. Remind us of our greatness as a democracy. When you speak to Congress next week, just come out and say it. We thought we heard you say during the campaign last year that you want a government run insurance plan alongside private insurance — mostly premium-based, with subsidies for low-and-moderate income people. Open to all individuals and employees who want to join and with everyone free to choose the doctors we want. We thought you said Uncle Sam would sign on as our tough, cost-minded negotiator standing up to the cartel of drug and insurance companies and Wall Street investors whose only interest is a company's share price and profits."

Check out the TPM article by Josh Marshall - Adventures in the Rabbit Hole.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Book Review - 'The Heart of Power - Health and Politics in the Oval Office,' by David Blumenthal and James A. Morone - Review -

Give States an Option to Lead on Single-Payer

Give States an Option to Lead on Single-Payer
"So we will get to single-payer.
The only question is how and when.
One answer, perhaps the best, is offered by Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, who has proposed and promoted the idea of allowing states to experiment with different healthcare systems.
Under Baldwin's plan, a progressive state such as Oregon or Vermont could develop a "Medicare for all" program within its borders. At the same time, a more traditionally conservative state such as Mississippi or Alabama could muck around with so-called "medical-savings accounts" and other gimmicks developed by the insurance industry and its political mouthpieces.
Then it would be a case of may the best state win -- with the evidence of which model works best developing over time."
This needs to be supported to allow states like Minnesota and Wisconsin to do the RIGHT thing! | Tweet for health care reform | Tweet for health care reform
A pic you can use as an avatar or put where you want.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rally Against Wall Street's Health Care Takeover |

Rally Against Wall Street's Health Care Takeover |
Go to this article from Potter. Well worth reading even if a bit long.

An excerpt: "I'm ashamed that I let myself get caught up in deceitful and dishonest PR campaigns that worked so well, hundreds of thousands of our citizens have died, and millions of others have lost their homes and been forced into bankruptcy, so that a very few corporate executives and their Wall Street masters could become obscenely rich.

But It was only during the last few years of my career that I came to realize the full scope of the harm my colleagues and I had caused, and the lengths that insurance companies will go to increase their profits at the expense of working families."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Health Care That Works

Op-Ed Columnist - Health Care That Works -
"Throughout the industrialized world, there are a handful of these areas where governments fill needs better than free markets: fire protection, police work, education, postal service, libraries, health care. The United States goes along with this international trend in every area but one: health care.

The truth is that government, for all its flaws, manages to do some things right, so that today few people doubt the wisdom of public police or firefighters. And the government has a particularly good record in medical care."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009