Thursday, July 16, 2009

We Cannot Afford the Middleman

Insurance companies are the middleman. The experiment of using insurance to pay for health care has FAILED. They now are spending over one million a day to lobby and pay off politicians in D.C. to stop any reform that takes money out of their highly paid execs. pockets (those people make millions a year per person and it is paid from our personal payments in premiums/co-payments/deductibles and in our tax payments (much more tax money goes to them than you can even imagine). The only way to afford this is to change how we pay for medical care. Cut the red tape and the welfare dole to the rich insurance execs. Create one payer and provide that any citizen can get the care they need. Access to care should not depend on where you work, whether you have a job, how sick you are, where you live or how much money you have. Access to necessary medical care should be automatic in this great country of ours. It should not depend on the middleman. Remove the middleman and we remove the source of the problem -- in fact we remove the problem itself.

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