Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Affordable Care Act creates niche for Rauser Agency

Affordable Care Act creates niche for Rauser Agency:
"Making lemonade out of lemons"--  Yes we knew the ACA was transformed in Congress into an insurance company bailout plan.  Sure hope at least some are helped and that this becomes a major stepping stone toward Single Payer - Medicare for All.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


MNSure phone help avialable.

WI Help with Health Exhange

Wis enroll! 
They have set up a call center available Mon-Fri 7am-7pm to sign people up for healthcare, give them a call - 855 848 9587 - when using

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

US Health Reform Keeps Insurance Companies in the Mix, No Matter the Cost

US Health Reform Keeps Insurance Companies in the Mix, No Matter the Cost

Excerpt: "...the implementation problems aren't revealing problems with the idea of social insurance; they're revealing the price we pay for insisting on keeping insurance companies in the mix, when they serve little useful purpose."